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The roulette researcher Karl Alexander delivered an interesting improvement of the d`Alembert progression decades ago. He named his version of the d`Alembert: Alexembert.

The original d`Alembert progression follows an arithmetic row:
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – etc.
It always starts with a base bet of 1 unit. After a loss the bet size in the next stage is raised 1 unit and after a win the bet size for the next stage is reduced by 1 unit.

Example 1:

The “Alexembert” uses the same principle, but with varying arithmetic rows like for example:

· 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 9 – 11 – 13 – etc.

· 1 – 4 – 7 – 10 – 13 – 16 – 19 – etc.

· 1 – 5 – 9 -13 – 17 – 21 – etc.

You can see that the increments between the single stages of this progression are higher than in the original d`Alembert.
Now the trick here is that the number of bets in each stage is equal to the difference between the stages with the intention to place lower bets during losing streaks and higher bets during winning streaks.

If the difference is 2, as in the first row, we bet each stage up to 2 losses or 2 wins ( – / + cancel each other ).

Although the result in the second example is only +1 compared to +2 in the first example, we need only 17 units instead of 20 units in the first example.

Example 2:

Following is a comparison with a win / loss sequence of Free Pokies

The highest bet with the d`Alembert is 6 units, the highest bet with the Alexembert is 3 units!

The d`Alembert needs a total of 51 units to get to + 3, the Alexembert needs only 22 units to get to + 6 !

The next comparison is from

· spin No.1 to spin No.17,

· Spielbank Hamburg, Table No.1,

· 2002-09-01,

· Even / Odd,
betting on the last spin (we do not recommend this betting selection, it is only to make the progression clear).

Again the Alexembert shows its advantages: net gain 6 units with a total of 32 units wagered, whereas the original d`Alembert needs 46 units to gain net 4 units.

Combine the “ALEXEMBERT” with a betting strategy of your choice and do some trials.
Maybe you can add some stop limits or fictive betting after a couple of losses and do some calculations concerning the bankroll needed for your adaptation of the “ALEXEMBERT“.

If you lose a bet due to zero /double zero, repeat the bet. The amount lost due to the zero appearance is not affecting the progression, it has to be subtracted from the session balance.
If you play at a table with the “en-prison rule” effective, we recommend to split the bet with the Casino and then to repeat the original bet.

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